VR Stands For Very Rich

Well I don't know about you, but I was waiting for this little bit of news to drop for a long time. It was only a matter of time before we were informed of the price for the Playstation VR (formerly known as Project Morpheus). So there it is in all of its glory priced at $549.95 and with a release window of October 2016.

Now I am very interested in Playstation VR, both for its intrigue factor and also because I love covering big news in the video game world. Now there are a couple of things that need to be considered when deciding if Playstation VR is something that you want to dive into on day one.

Firstly, the price as it is shown above isn't exactly as transparent as it appears. $549.95 is not all you need to spend. Stick with me here. Let's for arguments sake assume you already own a Playstation 4 with at least one Dual Shock 4 controller. After all, the controller comes in the box with the console. Now that's a start, but there's still more hardware that you're going to need to get this thing up and running.

The next step is to make sure you own a Playstation Camera. Now these came onto the market a while ago but I don't think anyone bought one because there wasn't really anything that it was used for except for live streaming your mug in the corner of your game and also to play around with little robots flying around your head. Basically it was a waste of money. Well now all those people that shelled out for the Playstation Camera have a bit of a head start in the "I want Playstation VR" game. You will need one of these to use the PSVR system so basically the system is worthless without it. The PSVR headset has five LED lights on the front of it which are tracked using the camera for depth sensing. The lights on the end of the PS Move controllers and the light bar on the Dual Shock 4 controllers are also tracked using the Playstation Camera. So if you were wondering, yep, you need one of those too.

Now that's not where it ends. From the reports that I have researched, you may get away with just a Dual Shock 4 for a controller, but to get the most out of your PSVR experience, you are going to need at least one PS Move controller. So let's add up the costs now:

Playstation VR - $549.95
Playstation Camera - $89.95
Playstation Move Controller X 1 - $9.95 (current pricing from EB Games)

Total Outlay = $649.85 (Australian pricing listed)

Sony will very likely put together a bundle and ship everything that you need to get started but if this is the case they won't want to mention that now because they want to have cheapest price possible floating through customer's heads. After all, they do have a leg up on other VR systems that are close to double this price. The cheaper PS VR appears the better value it will represent.

Well, count me in regardless based on my own reasons. Who of you are still interested in jumping on board for the next generation of VR gaming?

Lucas Aurelius.

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