PlayStation 4.00 Firmware Update Beta Registration
PlayStation 4 will be getting a firmware update from 3.55 to 4.00 sometime in the near future and you can now sign up to be apart of the beta test.
As in the past with the 3.00 and 3.50 updates, Sony has opened
registrations to allow a selected number of PlayStation 4 owners the chance to test out
the new features of the firmware update, with the beta rumoured to begin in
early August.
To date there has been nothing released in regards to what
features will be available with the 4.00 update, but if you are selected to
participate in the beta, you’ll have the option to roll back to the current
3.55 firmware at any stage.
To register for the beta you can do so here,
and the only information you will need to provide is your PSN username.
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