PS Plus & Games with Gold for January 2017

Well it's that time of year again to hear about what little freebies are coming our way in the new month, and in this case, the new year. While we're still not getting blown away with these titles, they're still something in there for most people to get a little bit of time out of.

Some noteworthy games include Day of the Tentacle. This one is another remaster but I have been wanting to play this one for a long time. I guess now is my time. This War of Mine: The Little Ones is a slight variation from the PC title of a similar name (without the suffix). It's a tale of survival where you will need to make decisions with severe and dire consequences. Also, Titan Souls is another game worth having a go. Like the name suggests, Titan Souls is a little like Dark Souls mixed with Shadow of the Colossus all mixed into a top down pixel art style game. It's hard, it's harder and it's hard.


Playstation Plus Games Lineup:

  • Day of The Tentacle Remastered, PS4 (Cross buy on PS Vita)
  • This War of Mine: The Little Ones, PS4
  • Blazerush, PS3
  • The Swindle, PS3 (Cross Buy on PS4 and PS Vita)
  • Azkend 2, PS Vita
  • Titan Souls, PS Vita (Cross Buy on PS4)

Games With Gold January 2017 Lineup:
Xbox One

  • Deathtrap: World of Van Helsing (January 1-31)
  • Killer Instinct Season 2 (January 16-February 15)
  • Outlast (December 16-January 15)

Xbox 360 (Also available on Xbox One via backwards compatibility)

  • The Cave (January 1-15)
  • Rayman Origins (January 16-31)
Lucas Aurelius
Aussie Gamers Express
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